Friday, January 23, 2009 1 year old called 911 today...

Yes, you read that right - my one year old daughter, Emi, called emergency services while playing with my blackberry at a Drs appt. Who knew there was a special button from the lock screen? I'm here to tell you fellow moms - it is there and it is real. As real as the phone call I got back from 911 Operators asking if there was an emergency. The call went something like this:

911: Hello - we just got an emergency call from this cell phone.
Me: Yes, the emergency is, I'm going to die of embarassment.
911: Excuse me, maam?
Me: And along with me, will be a one year old Hellion who has somehow learned how to use a Blackberry.
Pregnant pause....
911: Is this a serious call?
Me: It is. Would you like to send DFYS around to pick up my daughter? ... PLEASE!

Well, at least that's how it went in my head. The real discussion went something like this:
911: Hello - we just got an emergency call from this cell phone.
Me: I'm so, so sorry. My daughter had my phone. It will never happen again.
911: Hurmmmpph

I'll be reminding her of this moment when she's old enough to tell me she'll "die of embarrassment" by being seen with her mother....

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